Pink Ladies Games is a CSR initiative of Herculean Alliance.

The whole Herculean team with hundreds of volunteers stands behind it.

In every country, we work with local heroes, and we help them implement the games through our online platform.

Maximme Vekemans

Meet Maximme. She is the event director of Pink Ladies Games. Maximme is a hard worker and enjoys painting and volunteering in her free time.

Absolutely does not like: People who put pineapple on everything and slow walkers in crowded places.
Loves enormously: Watching sunsets and pretending I'm the main character.

You can always wake her up for this at night: Cake (hmm!)
Favourite animal: A flamingo
Favourite quote: Dance like nobody's watching, but also check for hidden cameras just in case.
The Pink Ladies Games for Maximme is: a dream come true. Through the Pink Ladies Games we can make a little difference to bring more awareness for breast cancer!


Julietta Vekemans

Meet Julietta. She is the associate of Pink Ladies Games and a student at GEMS Education in Dubai. Jules is either surrounded by friends, sharing laughs, or lost in a good book.  

Absolutely doesn't like: Wasting time.
Really loves: Loudly singing along to songs (even when I don't quite know the lyrics).
You can always wake her up for this at night: Please don't. I'm busy dreaming about a trip to Hawaii.
Favourite animal: An elephant.
Favourite quote: She believed she could, so she did.
Pink Ladies Games are: A statement - it's about showing young girls like me that we can come together, make an impact, and prove that women and empowerment go hand in hand.


Inge Van Belle

Meet Inge. She is the founder of Pink Ladies Games and co-founder of Herculean Alliance. Although she doesn't like cats very much, she's not a kitten to handle without gloves.

Absolutely doesn't like: Waiting (and also pickles, eww!).
Really loves: My family of course, but also champagne, macaroons and the sea.
You can always wake her up for this at night: To go on a journey - my suitcase is always ready to go!
Favourite animal: Puppies.
Favourite quote: "Look like a girl. Act like a lady. Think like a man. Work like a boss."
Pink Ladies Games are: Goosebumps! My heart still makes a leap when I see all these ladies of all ages and backgrounds go to extremes and connect for charity.


Yves Vekemans

Meet Yves. He is the co-founder of Pink Ladies Games and co-founder of Herculean Alliance. Yves can always be found for a party. Play hard, but work harder!  

Absolutely doesn't like: Lack of ownership and passion.
Really loves: My family, the garden, thinking & crazy parties.
You can always wake him up for this at night: NOT. After having three children, I can enjoy a good night's sleep.
Favourite animal: A lion.
Favourite quote: “Dream. Focus. Teamwork. Network." Have a Herculean Day!

Pink Ladies Games are: I believe that we are in the age of women and I therefore very much like to see all those strong women who are grouping together to make the world a better place.


Kris Talboom

Meet Kris. He is the co-founder of Herculean Alliance and has been competitive since childhood. Team player and loves to create a fun atmosphere.

Absolutely does not like: Intrusiveness
Holds a passion for: Good food
This is what you can wake her up for at night: To leave for a sunny destination.
Favourite animal: A dog
Favourite quote: The body can take almost everything, it's the mind that you have to convince.
The Pink Ladies Games for Kris is: Going crazy and enjoying happy people getting to know each other better to support a good cause.
